Phalaenopsis bellina (FS) PLN161.10 PLN179.00 -10% Roślina dorosła, zdolna do kwitnienia, co nie oznacza, że w momencie zakupu będzie kwitnąca. Nadaje się zarówno do uprawy na parapecie jak i w... Add to cart
Phalaenopsis mannii x schilleriana (Bronze Maiden) (FS) PLN125.10 PLN139.00 -10% Illustrative photo Add to cart
Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi 'Red' X Phal. mannii (FS) PLN103.50 PLN115.00 -10% Illustrative photo Add to cart
Ascocentrum curvifolium (Vanda curvifolia) (FS) PLN116.10 PLN129.00 -10% Illustrative photo Add to cart
Vandachostylis Pinky (Vanda falcata x Rhy. gigantea 'Red')(FS) PLN103.50 PLN115.00 -10% Illustrative photo Add to cart
Vanda Preaches (Vanda falcata x Asc. curvifolium) (FS) PLN103.50 PLN115.00 -10% Illustrative photo Add to cart
Vandachostylis (Neostylis) Lou Sneary 'White' (FS) PLN116.10 PLN129.00 -10% Illustrative photo Add to cart
Vandachostylis (Neostylis) Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird' (FS) PLN103.50 PLN115.00 -10% Illustrative photo Add to cart
Vanda falcata x Rhynchostylis retusa 'Dark' (FS) PLN116.10 PLN129.00 -10% Illustrative photo Add to cart
Aerides houlletiana (FS) PLN125.10 PLN139.00 -10% Roślina dorosła, zdolna do kwitnienia, co nie oznacza, że w momencie zakupu będzie kwitnąca. Nadaje się zarówno do uprawy na parapecie jak i w... Add to cart
Phalaenopsis gibbosa (FS) PLN103.50 PLN115.00 -10% Illustrative photo EN: Mature plant, can bloom, but it doesn't mean that in the moment of buying it will be blooming.It can be growing on the... Add to cart
Vanda pumila (FS) PLN116.10 PLN129.00 -10% Illustrative photo EN: Mature plant, can bloom, but it doesn't mean that in the moment of buying it will be blooming.It can be growing on the... Add to cart